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    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Photoshoot and a song cover

    It's been quite some time since the last time I did photoshoot.
    So I decided to make a photoshoot section just for fun.
    So these are the pictures.

    The sun was bright and hot during Photoshooting and I kept sweating...-.-

    Since no one is around in the children playground. I feel so tempted to play with the slides. And I did! Just a short while.
    Hopefully nobody sees it. A grown man on a colorful slide, It's really embarrassing.

    I took a lot of photos.
    These photos I attached in this post are just small part of it.
    And I posted the rest of it in my facebook.

    Credit for the jumping pose.
    I had jump 5 times to get a decent one. Jumping under the hot sun makes me sweat furiously. -.-

    After a 15 minutes Photoshoot around the children playground we moved on to another location.
    This place is my sister's best friend Apartment swimming pool..
    I love this swimming pool. It's really quiet and the wind is very comfortable. I promised myself that I will come here to swim someday.

    There's no one around. I feel a little excited about it so I was like having some fun and do some funny face like this..
    Do you know why?  Believe it or not. I book the entire swimming pool. haha!

    I'm just kidding..^^
    We took a good 20 minutes shoot then we take a brief check on the photos. We were very satisfy with what we have got. We are ready to go home. But before we go I feel there's a need to play with the water before I go..hehe..^^
    I'm so childish. IKR XD
    We have an uninvited guest when I was playing with the water like a child. A girl swim across me. I was like "Oh my gosh! So embarrassing!"
    I quickly make my move and disappeared out of her sigh...Hahaha XD

    If you're interested to view my other photos..
    Please check out on my Facebook
    Instagram: @LavenceWong

    It's not end of the
                                                                             post YET..
    I did a song cover after the Photoshoot. And I recorded it in a video.

    This is the first time for me to cover a Japanese song...
    This song was sang by Zone and it became an Anime's ending theme song after that...
    Ano Hana ED Secret Base Kimi Ga Kureta Mono.. 
    This Anime is very emotional and the story is very touching. I've never watch this kind of Anime before..
    I have recorded almost 15 times to get a satisfy one..

    Hope u guys don't throw Banana, Grenade , rotten eggs ect at me..XD
    It was my first time! Please forgive me..

    どぞよろしく おねがいします~

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