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    Sunday, November 18, 2012

    AFA Singapore 2012

    It's been long time since the last time I blog...
    This post is about my first time being a Butler at Atelier Royale Butler cafe in AFA Singapore 2012
    I'm glad and happy to join them as one of the butler this year..
    I had a lot of fun and was very happy to work alongside with the butlers and the maids..

    8 Butlers & 8 Maids

    どうぞよろしく お願いします!!

    I miss them right now~T.T

    We had did a "Power up" before we went to the AFA singapore..XD
    After the "Power up",It was time to did the set up for Gakuen Royale..

    It took around 3 hours to finished the set up and draw on the black board..
    What i draw it was only a Music note..
    The character of butlers was draw by our manager Tash and Jasmine..
    Thanks for the hard work and take good care of us..

    That's me!! Hahaha!!
    "Keigo like to sing song as well"

    This was the poster of the butlers inside the cafe..


    This was the poster of the butlers at outside the cafe.


    TaDang!!!Here was our theme this year!!
    "Gakuen Royale'!!!
    High school Cafe!!

    Before greeting only had time to take picture with the board~
    After that was working time....Fight!!

    Finished work at the first day and make my kneel so painful..
    Still had to kneel down in front of Ojousama at day 2 again.
    It was my honor to kneel down for Ojousama..
    I will do my best !!!

    On the end of the event Day 3..We joined the after party with Anisong Artist and Famous cosplayer
    But i only get to take a picture with Kaname San.

    Get to meet him I'm so happy!! Coz i'm a cosplayer too..
    I love his cosplay very much..

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Photoshoot and a song cover

    It's been quite some time since the last time I did photoshoot.
    So I decided to make a photoshoot section just for fun.
    So these are the pictures.

    The sun was bright and hot during Photoshooting and I kept sweating...-.-

    Since no one is around in the children playground. I feel so tempted to play with the slides. And I did! Just a short while.
    Hopefully nobody sees it. A grown man on a colorful slide, It's really embarrassing.

    I took a lot of photos.
    These photos I attached in this post are just small part of it.
    And I posted the rest of it in my facebook.

    Credit for the jumping pose.
    I had jump 5 times to get a decent one. Jumping under the hot sun makes me sweat furiously. -.-

    After a 15 minutes Photoshoot around the children playground we moved on to another location.
    This place is my sister's best friend Apartment swimming pool..
    I love this swimming pool. It's really quiet and the wind is very comfortable. I promised myself that I will come here to swim someday.

    There's no one around. I feel a little excited about it so I was like having some fun and do some funny face like this..
    Do you know why?  Believe it or not. I book the entire swimming pool. haha!

    I'm just kidding..^^
    We took a good 20 minutes shoot then we take a brief check on the photos. We were very satisfy with what we have got. We are ready to go home. But before we go I feel there's a need to play with the water before I go..hehe..^^
    I'm so childish. IKR XD
    We have an uninvited guest when I was playing with the water like a child. A girl swim across me. I was like "Oh my gosh! So embarrassing!"
    I quickly make my move and disappeared out of her sigh...Hahaha XD

    If you're interested to view my other photos..
    Please check out on my Facebook
    Instagram: @LavenceWong

    It's not end of the
                                                                             post YET..
    I did a song cover after the Photoshoot. And I recorded it in a video.

    This is the first time for me to cover a Japanese song...
    This song was sang by Zone and it became an Anime's ending theme song after that...
    Ano Hana ED Secret Base Kimi Ga Kureta Mono.. 
    This Anime is very emotional and the story is very touching. I've never watch this kind of Anime before..
    I have recorded almost 15 times to get a satisfy one..

    Hope u guys don't throw Banana, Grenade , rotten eggs ect at me..XD
    It was my first time! Please forgive me..

    どぞよろしく おねがいします~

    Saturday, September 1, 2012

    Animangaki 2012

    Long time din't update my blog..Kind of busy these days.
    As I mentioned in the last post, I will cosplay another Anime character.
    Tadaa~ Now I present! My cosplay in Animangaki 2012 Day1

    Takagi Akito from Bakuman

    Sunday, August 5, 2012

    My First Cosplay

    My first Cosplay was in 2010.
    Actually I wanted to Cosplay quite some time ago.
    Because I love to watch Anime very much and I wish to try to Cosplay an Anime character.
    But I din't know how to Cosplay until one day,
    I saw somebody posted a post about looking for Cosplay partner in Facebook. 
    So I just try my luck and leave a comment in that post.
    " May I become your cosplay partner? I'm interested in Cosplaying but I din't have a chance to Cosplay. If the character  suit me, I would like to try Cosplaying it"
    She replied me on the next day :" Oh! U're very suitable for the character I'm looking for!!"
    I was like:"Wow! Really?!! What kind of Anime character ?!"

    Monday, July 30, 2012

    29 July 2012 Diary

    Dear Diary,
    I had a kinda "memorable day"? I guess?
    So I think I shall blog about it. Haha! xD

    I went to Mid Valley and sent two pants to my customer from my online shop yesterday.

    This is how Mid Valley look like lately. At the center hall have a scene deploy for Hari Raya.
    They are selling some Malaysian food,clothes,accesories and bla bla......

    Wednesday, July 25, 2012


    Anime song is the Opening and Ending theme song of Japanese Animation, also known as Anisong. 
    I especially like Japan Anisong music because I like Jrock music. 
    Most of the Anisong's melody is very powerful and it inspires me a lot.
    When I feel lost and helpless, I will listen to Anisong. 
    Because it will make me feel better. 
    That's why i like Anisong so much. 

    Let's talk about the difference between Anisong, English and Chinese songs. 
    In my opinion, I think it's the Style.
    Most of the Anisong are Jrock, Poprock, soft rock, Heavy Metal. 
    And the story of the lyrics and melody is mostly based on Hope and Friendship, Nakama. 

    English songs are mostly of the made of Techno,R&B Techno,Death Metal.
    The Lyrics and melody is usually about being Sexy and in Love. 

    Chinese songs are mostly made of Pop and Rock genre.
    The Lyrics and Melody is mostly made of love ,break ups, sadness. 

    The Anisong I like the most is One Piece Opening songs "One Day" By The Rootless. 

    Sunday, July 22, 2012

    My Favorite Anime

    My favorite Anime is One Piece.
    I watch One Piece manga since i was 16 years old .
    And watch Anime since i was 17 years old.

    When I first time to watched one piece. The first impression, I was like
    "Huh?! pirate could actually become Pirate King?!!"
    I thought it was a story about bad pirate But it wasn't like that at all.
    Luffy is a very good hearted Pirate.
    Become a Pirate King “海贼王” is Luffy's dream.
    That mean he wants to be the strongest pirate in the world.
    And Luffy is a ゴム人間(Rubber Man) a supernatural ability.
    The character and story is very unique and interesting to me.
    That's how I started to like One Piece.

    Sunday, July 15, 2012

    Bon Odori 2012

    Last night i went to Bon Odori with my best friend Ritchie (Kenta) .
    As u see,we are wearing Yukata together.What do u think? Look good on us? Hehe~ ^^

    I Haven't been there for few years.But everything still the same, a lot of people there and many cute little japanese girl. We reach there about 18:00.

    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    Dragon Nest SEA

    最近爱上了一个网络游戏 Dragon Nest SEA .

    因为这个是属于Action RPG 的游戏,
    在游戏里有分主线任务(main quest)和
    支线任务(side quest),